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EFT Lesson 9: What do you believe about teaching and learning?

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    • #9227


        Imagine that a younger colleague asked you what you believe about teaching and learning. How would you reply? What do you believe about teaching and learning?

        Go back through lesson 9 to find ideas and inspiration. When you are ready, post your ideas in a reply below and comment on other teachers’ ideas.


      • #9275

        Steven Herder


        • #9276

          Steven Herder

            Wow! What a question. How to take over 30 years of teaching and squeeze it into a message here???

            Through my own studies to improve myself, by leading teacher trainings, and through participating in ongoing professional development, I have had to try to come up with a list that teachers could digest. Here is the simplest form I have come up with:


            I’ll add a few thoughts for each one:

            1. CONNECT – Get to know Ss – Everyone has something interesting about them if you dig enough; Be authentic; Build trust; Treat Ss as you would like them to treat you; “Strict but kind” is a good balance to aim for; Laugh and be positive, over and over again.

            2. EXPECT – Be simple and clear in what you expect; Expect different things from different groups and individuals; Teach at i + 1 rather than i + 20 (just beyond what they can do, not way beyond what they can do). 

            3. ENGAGE – Be in the moment with Ss; Deal with all the curve balls that each day brings with humor, compassion, and patience. Ask students what they think and listen to their responses; Trust yourself.

            4. REFLECT – Learn to observe what’s happening while you teach; Learn to make good/better decisions based on knowing what you believe about teaching/learning ([or me, 1) Does it build confidence, 2) Is it doable?, 3) Is it interesting/motivating?]; Try to make lessons better, not best, incrementally when you choose to do them again.

          • #10157

            Vhanessa Barbosa

              T- teaching is touching the lives of the students; teaching is

              E-stablishing good rapport with the learners, making them feel included in the classroom; teaching is

              A- ccomodating the interests of the learners despite of the diversity; teaching is

              C-atering to the needs of the learners, helping them

              H- one their potentials and capabilities in the best way possible that will suit their learning ways.

              On the other hand,

              L- earning is acquiring new knowledge; learning is

              E- mbellishing the insights gained; learning is

              A-ttending to the ways that will provide your neccessities as a learner; learning is

              R-ationalizing thoughts that may be relevant to your improvement as a learner; learning must

              N- ever stop cause by learning we grow.

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