Korea TESOL (Korea Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages), or KOTESOL, is Korea’s largest multicultural professional development organization for teachers of English. Our main goals are to assist members in their self-development and to improve ELT in Korea. KOTESOL allows teachers to connect with others in the ELT community and find teaching resources in Korea and abroad through KOTESOL publications, conferences and symposia, and chapter meetings and workshops.

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- To get the 10% discount, upgrade to a paid account within 30 days, using the same browser and device.
- iTDi will receive a small commision which we put towards funding professional development scholarships for teachers.
ZenGengo is the language teacher’s Swiss Army knife… With 10 assignment types covering all four language skills (reading, writing, listening, and speaking) there’s no place ZenGengo can’t go. Whether your classes are face-to-face, blended, hybrid or fully online, ZenGengo is is the only tool you need to deliver effective and engaging online lessons for your students. Lightning fast assignment creation and 100% auto-graded, ZenGengo saves teachers countless hours of making and grading online work. Getting started is a breeze with one-step teacher registration and no student login required. Try it yourself for free for a full month. You, and your students, will love it.
EFL Magazine is the magazine for English language teachers. It features the latest and greatest information brought to you in the form of articles, audio and video. We aim to make your life better as a teacher and we want you to access the best people possible from the field of language learning. EFL Magazine recognizes that you are a native English teacher, a non-native teacher, a director of studies, a publishing professional, a recruiter, a university lecturer, a small/large business owner, a student, a traveler to name but a few. The aim is to address you, your problems, frustrations and hopes.
ALT Training Online (ALTTO) is a free teacher training website designed specifically for ALTs working in Japanese public schools. The course consists of modules written by the people who know the teaching context best; ALTs themselves and leading academics working in the best universities in Japan. The course is fully integrative, so you are never on your own. ALTs read the modules, comment on reflection activities and share experiences on our social media platforms. There are 20,000 ALTs and we can work better as a team. In addition to the course site, we are developing a resources site for ALTs to upload their activities and conveniently download lesson plans, worksheets and activities that complement all the pages of all the books used in Japanese schools.