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EFT Lesson 13: How can we extend learning beyond the classroom?

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    • #9283


        Think of an activity you could use with your students that would extend their learning beyond your classroom. Write a short explanation of the project.


        Vicky SaumellWe are doing a recycling project at school this year, and the upper secondary students will create a recycling campaign and promote the project at school and in the community. I am also going to run a storytelling workshop for older students so they can tell stories to younger children.

        Vicky, Argentina


        An activity to extend student learning beyond the classroom

        Post your ideas in a reply below and comment on other teachers’ ideas.


      • #9293

        Steven Herder

          Once we had junior high school students in Japan take pictures of all the English words they saw over a weekend. There were about 20 students in my half of the class and we amassed over 500 pics. This was a very simple activity, but it certainly made clear how much English was all around them. We compared our words with my pair teacher who had the other half of the class. This activity was a success because it happened outside of class, it demanded cooperation to eliminate duplicate pics, and encourage a fun level of competition between the two classes.

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