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Learning how to present vocabulary effectively is, of course, just one part of a teacher's professional development journey. Whether you're a newbie or been teaching for years, at iTDi we provide opportunities for you to thrive wherever your career takes you. And in order for teachers to really thrive - just like our students - we need a supportive community where we can make mistakes, share successes, learn and grow with new opportunities!

Together with an international team of experts, we've poured our knowledge and expertise into the iTDi teacher development lessons ...

Short videospractical teaching examples, and reflection activities are woven together to guide you step-by-step through essential principles with tried-and-tested teaching practices.

After you finish this lesson, be sure to join the Live Tutorial on December 9th at 11:00 UTC/GMT. This will give you a chance to experience what our TESOL Certificate course offers. 

Content © iTDi TESOL. All rights reserved.