Blended Learning continues to be a key concept in English Language Teaching. With Pete Sharma, you'll explore what blended learning is, what it isn't, and gain insights into the range of options available. At the end of this four-session course, you will know what's needed to successfully set up a Blended Learning language course of your own – no matter what your context might be.
Challenges and success factors in the pedagogy of blended learning
Materials and the Virtual Learning Environment
Content in creating blended learning courses
Get your professional development certified with iTDi
In this course, you will read articles recommended by the instructor, watch four recorded sessions, and answer four discussion questions. (This is not a live course.) If you would like to receive a Certificate of Completion verifying 20 hours of professional development credit, email your answers to these questions in a separate word document to su*****@iT**.pro for evaluation. In the body of your document, please include your name as you wish it to appear on your certificate, your email address, and the name of course you have completed.Take this course
As always, iTDi believes that all teachers deserve the same opportunity to improve themselves. Therefore, a limited number of scholarships will be available for this course. Please apply through our scholarship application.
About Pete Sharma:
Pete Sharma is a teacher trainer, consultant and ELT author. He works as a pre-sessional lecturer in EAP (English for Academic purposes) at Warwick University, UK. Pete worked for many years in business English as a teacher trainer and materials writer. He is a regular conference presenter at IATEFL (International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language) and BESIG (Business English Special Interest Group) conferences and has given plenary talks and keynote speeches at conferences around the world. Pete is the co-author of several books on technology including Blended Learning (2007) and 400 Ideas for Interactive Whiteboards (2011) in the Macmillan ‘Books for Teachers’ series. His latest e-books as co-author are on ‘apps' in business English (2013) and How to write for digital media (2014). His latest book is Best practices for Blended Learning (2018). Pete has delivered a previous course for iTDi on Blended Learning. He was the Newsletter Editor of the IATEFL CALL (Computer-aided language learning) Review (2008-2009) and has a Masters in Educational Technology and ELT (English Language Teaching) from Manchester University. Pete’s website can be found at: Advanced Skills Self Study courses allow you to access and enjoy the content of popular Advanced Skills live courses, at your own pace and at a time that is convenient for you.